Friday, June 17, 2011


buat para blogwalker yang suka hunting cute stuf, gue kasih beberapa tempat di Jakarta yang mungkin bisa lo kunkungi

Blush Boutique
ITC mangga dua Lt. 5, Blok A no 125-126

2nd Days
Gria Astika. Jln. Lamandau IV No 8 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta

Forever 21
Grand Indonesia Mall

Mall Kelapa Gading  3 Lt.2 No 42

Pink Label
ITC Mangga 2. Lt.4, Blok D No 124

ITC Mangga Dua Lt.4 Blok D No 134

The Loft & The Attic
Mall Kelapa Gading. Fashion Hub. Lt.2 Blok 2

Nit Not Blue
ITC Kuningan. Lt. Dasar . Blok E1/5

Veronica Accessories
ITC Mangga Dua. Lt 4. Blok D. No 124

Pasar Senen
Senen. Jakarta Pusat

                                                                                            thank you...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


huaaa... guys ga nyangka ya waktu waktu bersama genoftix udah mau abis aja! "i don't want is over!!!!!" 
           GENOFTIX ,GENeration OF Ten sIx!

i'm a part of genoftix, this is a name for my class (X-6) silly, freak and clever class ever!!!!
 X-6 penuh dengan anak anak yang bervariasi dari yang tulalit, latahan sampe yang kelewat jenius juga ada. Di penuhi dengan  orang-oarang yang rada autis hmm
  kelas yang bisa di bilang cukup kompak untuk melakukan hal hal gila
apa lagi waktu ulatahnya salah satu anak "GENOFTIX" gue sangat engga nyangka kalo yang ultah balal di serang abis-abisan dan semunya kena, tragiisss...

hancur sudah semua... tinggal di panggang!

kena juga kan lo (biang kerok)
moment maoment yang paling fav dari genoftix yaitu saat makan adalah waktu waktu yang paling khusuk 


"gak..gak..gak.. kuat...
gak kuat buat pisah sama genoftix...."

Saturday, June 11, 2011


NARASUMBER SEORANG COWO KEREN, YES.. HE IS TOTALLY HANDSOME (give leaks you actually look interesting in the eyes of boy without you knowing)

here is a list of 10 times you may be suprised to learn you are looking really and preety!

1 yawning
       when they saw you yawn with slightly sleepy eyes and the comlpete motion caterpillar (stretches the body) that makes them wants to hug you

2 biting you lips
   see you bitting your lips , hmm... they were not going to release their view of you. They eare like dogs trying to stand up in amoving cars.They are lose it!

3 sneezing 
     when you sneeze with your hands covering your nose and forehead is a little twisted , they say to himself "you are so good lookin"

wearing pjs
       you might think that wearing a pijamas makes you dull and not cool but they think you're friendly and confidence

5 wearing a guy's t-shirt and boxers
    they don't know the reason why they love to see you clothes that are usually used boys, in they eyes you look interesting.  

6 burping 
   when you dare a small burp in front of them, that mean you feel comfortable around them, But remember one small burp, not a big burp

    A girl giggling and smiling is incredibly hot. Remember : Laughter is like a contagious disease

8 dancing
    whether you're qualified or amateur dancer, saw you swaying to the rhythm of the song confidence, make them feel happy

9 shaving
    see you guys use a short pants with flat shoes and feet clean of feathers is one of most iteresting thing

10 playing with hair
       simple movement such as hair play enough to make their views taken on your

                                                                                                                      source: GF magz

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Gini ni cara kita buat ngabisin liburan ngumpul ngumpul ngebrantakin rumah orang hehehe gak juga si tapi keseringan gitu, anak anak GENOFTIX (GEneration OF Ten sIX)
seru seruan bareng, gila gilaan itu udah jadi makanan sehari hari walaupun libur kita tetep bisa ngumpul hehe
ini ni foto kita di rumah gue pas ulang tahun dari salah satu temen kita, Walau cuma di traktir Mie Ayam tetep kita nikmatin (gratis coy)

                                            jangan lupa baca doa sebelum makan nanti keselek
aiiihhhhh lahap amat makanya hehe

hehehe seru kan mau ga enak loh? mau ? beli sendiri hahaha

Friday, June 3, 2011


I don't know how long I must live a life that is so full of complicated realities of my life never been able to understand but, I must still run my life yes, even though their are many obstacles that must I go through and through obstacles that can't instant instant need a process that does so, I need lots of patience, power, passion and love for my life even though it's all hope not to be perfect like me,FYI life is full of controlled hard not to lo in control of life but you're controlling your own life. hemm okey as a child who lives in a less harmonious family that I try to enjoy and live my life that i don't know until how much longer can I enjoy.
My life's mission now is trying to not fall with the things that can make my life ruined later, and not so dependent as anyone else that might destroy my life, I'm not rich people who despair at her own life starting from trial and error same goods whose name drugs, discos, free association to commit suicide. Perhaps it's easy to remove the words, but yes his name also lives on the run how it should be any condition
 I live now so I'm still sort of lucky to be grateful. As humans we must always move forward but at times that we must look back because our lives could have tripped and fell which we're impeded progress. I still have an intact family even though isn't going well yes but I should be grateful, I'm still going to school and have a cool friends.
So don't ever waste your life that is okay only briefly.


             Entah sampai kapan gue harus menjalani hidup yang begitu rumit penuh dengan realitas kehidupan gak pernah bisa gue mengerti but, gue harus tetep jalanin hidup gue ya walau pun banyak rintangan yang harus gue lalui dan melalui rintangan itu ga bisa instan butuh proses yang gak instan so, gue butuh banyak kesabaran, power, semangat, dan cinta buat ngejalanin hidup gue walaupun itu semua gak berjalan sempurna seperti harapan gue, FYI hidup itu keras penuh dengan kontrolisasi jangan sampai lo di kontrol oleh hidup tapi lo yang ngontrol hidup lo sendiri. hemm okey sebagai seorang anak yang hidup di dalam sebuah keluarga yang kurang harmonis gue berusaha untuk nikmatin dan ngejalanin hidup gue yang gak tau sampai berapa lama lagi bisa gue nikmatin. 
             Misi hidup gue sekarang adalah berusa untuk engga terjerumus dengan hal hal yang bisa bikib hidup gue ancur nantinya, dan gak terlalu bertergantungan sama orang lain yang mungkin bisa ngancurin hidup gue ancur, gue gak mau kaya orang orang yang putus asa sama kehidupannya sendiri mulai dari coba coba sama barang yang namanya narkoba, diskotik, pergaulan bebas sampai bunuh diri. Mungkin emang gampang kalo cuma ngeluarin kata kata, tapi ya namanya juga hidup ya harus di jalanin giamana pun kondisinya
            Hidup gue sekarang masih dibilang beruntung makanya gue harus bersyukur. Sebagai manusia kita emang harus selalu melangkah kedepan tapi sekali kali lah kita nengok kebelakang karna dalam hidup kitra bisa aja tersandung kemudian terjatuh yang mrmbuat kita kembali kebelakang. Gue masih punya keluarga yang utuh walaupun itu gak berjalan lancar ya tapi gue harus tetep bersyukur, gue masih bisa sekolah punya temen temen yang asik.
            So jangan pernah sia siain hidup lo yang cuma sebentar ini oke