Thursday, March 10, 2016

Hiii... when the last time I was in this unbreakable world, whoa.... dusty

I wanted to write about my unusual life in this world.

I felt pain in my chest tonight, maybe because i'm away with my boyfriend haha so cliche but ya you know girls. No matter how strong we are but we still have soft hearth for sure.
I wanted a serious relationship with the man that i'm dating now. But I thinks it will be kinda hard cause we have to be seperate for thousand miles away for one year or more. Jakarta - Kassel it wont be easy right. Even now I couldnt handle my feeling. Me and Him in the different Island now I miss him but he maybe busy with his own world. I wont him to ignore me :(. Sorry for annyed you in your holiday but I love you Saj hahaha i wont to be over  but yeash that real.

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